Real Estate Photography Licensing Agreement
By ordering the “Real Estate Photography” services of Michelle Baumbach Photography LLC (“Photographer”), the Client agrees to the following terms and conditions:
SCOPE: These terms apply to any photographs, graphics, digital assets, or digital images created or taken by the Photographer and delivered to the Client (collectively referred to as “Photos”) for the property identified on the invoice (“Property”).
All Photos and rights relating to them, including copyright and ownership rights, remain the sole and exclusive property of the Photographer.
This license provides the Client with the limited right to reproduce, publicly display, and distribute the Photos only for promotional or advertising purposes directly related to the sale of the Property. Examples of public promotion and advertising include, but not limited to, the MLS, realtor website, magazines, Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube.
Photos should not be edited, altered or retouched.
This license is not effectively granted until the invoice is paid in full.
The grant of rights to the Client is limited to whichever occurs first:
1-year from the date of invoice, or
the termination of Client’s representation of the Property
Further use of images beyond one (1) year requires Photographer’s permission through a license extension.
While using the Photos for promotional and advertising purposes, the Client is under no obligation to credit the Photographer as the author or owner of the Images, but such consideration is appreciated.
Client may not assign or transfer this agreement or any rights granted under it. If any third party (e.g., buyers, sellers, builders, stagers) requests to use any of the Photos, the Client shall direct their inquiries to the Photographer for separate licensing.
Photos used for any purpose not directly related to the sale of the Property must be with the expressed permission of the Photographer, as other terms/fees may apply.
Version 20220627